For this part of the project Livett’s worked with PR event production experts Imagination to safely transport the stage (and considerable amounts of additional equipment) to Westminster which would be used for Emeli Sande’s performance on Monday 8th September.
Transporting the Stage
The client hired a 30x18m flat top pontoon on which a 30 tonne staged was rigged, as well as an additional 30 tonnes of equipment such as toilets and generators which allowed the pontoon to be completely self-sufficient. This staging and extra equipment were all loaded onto the pontoon at King George V Lock at the Royal Docks. The lock is an incredibly efficient location for this kind of work due to non-tidal water and open onshore space which allows vehicles to get close to vessels on the water.
On the night of Saturday 6th September, our tug the Steven B pushed the pontoon (now 5m in height) upriver all the way to Westminster, where Livett’s had hired moorings in advance. Safely navigating a passage for the stage was particularly careful work due to the size and shape of the load fitting under bridges of varying heights and arch widths, not to mention the process of mooring the pontoon in the correct position once at Westminster!
The stage was rigged on Sunday and rehearsals took place that night with Livett’s passenger boat the Erasmus being used for sound and lighting tests. Two of our work boats, the Eddie C and the Alfie, were used as safety and transfer vessels on the Sunday and Monday.
Emeli Sande gave her captivating performance on the stage on the Monday night. To minimise river traffic during her performance, Chris Livett communicated with the police and PLA to coordinate a river closure between 21:30 and 21:40.
Immediately after the performance, de-rig was completed on-site at 2am Tuesday morning and the stage was pushed back to KGV lock by the Steven B the next morning where de-rig continued for a further two days.
Our work in preparation for the Jaguar project lasted for approximately eight weeks, involved a wide range of our marine coordination services, and included the use of seven of our boats as well as a high number of additional vessels that we sourced for the client.
As well as the successful and rewarding results we were able to achieve working with Imagination, it should be noted that the event was a spectacular example of how the river can be used as a unique concert venue with some of the world’s most famous and admired landmarks as a backdrop. The end result was achieved with extensive planning and communication between the planners of the event, and Livett’s were able to work with Jaguar and the Imagination team to execute the project efficiently, safely, and flawlessly. Now we cannot wait for the next one!
To enquire about our marine coordination services for product launches, filming, or PR events, please call us on 020 7378 1211 or contact .